Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

straight between.

Here too the parchment was suspended by cords, though in a pergola of yellow

marble, whose circular stairs led down to the meadow. He imagined a sikkintair

would find the passage tricky, especially if it was burdened with two women in

its claws. The monster had probably hugged them close to it, come in at high

speed, folded its wings, and glided between the pillars of the dome and the

margins of the gate. On the outbound trip, it must have crawled through into


All this Cappen did and thought in half a dozen heartbeats. A shout yanked his

attention back. Three men who had been idling on the stairs had noticed the

advent and were on their way up. Large and hard-featured, they bore the shaven

visages, high-crested morions, gilt cuirasses, black tunics and boots, short

swords, and halberds of temple guards. ‘Who in the Unholy’s name are you?’

called the first. ‘What’re you doing here?’

Jamie’s qualms vanished under a tide of boyish glee. ‘I doubt they’ll believe

any words of ours,’ he said. ‘We’ll have to convince them a different way. If

you can handle him on our left, I’ll take his feres.’ Cappen felt less

confident. But he lacked time to be afraid; shuddering would have to be done

in a more convenient hour. Besides, he was quite a good fencer. He dashed

across the floor and down the stair.

The trouble was, he had no experience with spears. He jabbed. The halberdier

held his weapon, both hands close together, near the middle of the shaft. He

snapped it against Cappen’s, deflected the thrust, and nearly tore the

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