Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

boughs. He drew blade. His foe did the same.

Shortsword versus rapier – much better, though Cappen must have a care. The

torso opposing him was protected. Still, the human anatomy has more vulnerable

points than that. ‘Shall we dance?’ Cappen asked.

As he and Jamie approached the house, a shadow slid across them. They glanced

aloft and saw the gaunt black form of a sikkintair. For an instant, they nerved

themselves for the worst. However, the Flying Knife simply caught an updraught,

planed high, and hovered in sinister magnificence. ‘Belike they don’t hunt men

unless commanded to,’ the Northerner speculated. ‘Bear and buffalo are meatier.’

Cappen frowned at the scarlet walls before him. ‘The next question,’ he said,

‘is why nobody has come out against us.’

‘Um, I’d deem those wights we left scattered around were the only fighting men

here. What task was theirs? Why, to keep the ladies from escaping, if those are

allowed to walk outdoors by day. As for yon manse, while it’s plenty big, I

suspect it’s on loan from its owner. Naught but a few servants need be on hand

and the women, let’s hope. 1 don’t suppose anybody happened to see our little


The thought that they might effect the rescue – soon, safely, easily – went

through Cappen in a wave of dizziness. Afterwards – he and Jamie had discussed

that. If the temple hierophants, from Hazroah on down, were put under immediate

arrest, that ought to dispose of the vengeance problem.

Gravel scrunched underfoot. Rose, jasmine, honeysuckle sweetened the air.

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