Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

Fountains leaped and chimed. The partners reached the main door. It was oaken,

with many glass eyes inset; the knocker had the shape of a sikkintair.

Jamie leaned his spear, unsheathed his sword, turned the knob left-handed, and

swung the door open. A maroon sumptuousness of carpet, hangings, upholstery

brooded beyond. He and Cappen entered. Inside were quietness and an odour like

that just before a thunderstorm.

A man in a deacon’s black robe came through an archway, his tonsure agleam in

the dimness*’Did I hear – Oh!’ he gasped, and scuttled backwards.

Jamie made a long arm and collared him. ‘Not so fast, friend,’ the warrior said

genially. ‘We’ve a request, and if you oblige, we won’t get stains on this

pretty rug. Where are your guests?’

‘What, what, what,’ the deacon gobbled.

Jamie shook him, in leisured wise lest he quite dislocate the shoulder. ‘Lady

Rosanda, wife to Molin Torchholder, and her assistant Danlis. Take us to them.

Oh, and we’d liefer not meet folk along the way. It might get messy if we did.’

The deacon fainted.

‘Ah, well,’ Jamie said. ‘I hate the idea of cutting down unarmed men, but

chances are they won’t be foolhardy.’ He filled his lungs. ‘Rosanda!’ he bawled.

‘Danlis! Jamie and Cappen Varra are here! Come on home!’

The volume almost bowled his companion over. ‘Are you mad?’ the minstrel

exclaimed. ‘You’ll warn the whole staff -‘ A flash lit his mind: if they had

seen no further guards, surely there were none, and nothing corporeal remained

to fear. Yet every minute’s delay heightened the danger of something else going

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