Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

or some place, he’d send a message back, anonymously informing Kadakithis that

Lirain was a traitor. Hanse smiled at that pleasant thought. Perhaps he’d just

go up to Ranke and tell the Emperor what a pair of incompetent agents he had

down in Sanctuary. Hanse saw himself richly rewarded, an intimate of the Emperor

And so he and Lirain met again, and made their agreement and plan.

A gate was indeed left open. A guard did indeed quit his post before a door of

the palace. It did indeed prove to be unlatched. Hanse locked it after him. Thus

a rather thick-waisted Shadow-spawn gained entry to the palatial home of the

governor of Sanctuary. Dark corridors led him to the appointed chamber. As the

prince was not in it, it was not specifically guarded. The ivory rod, carved to

resemble rough-barked wood, was indeed there. So, unexpectedly enjoying the

royal couch in its owner’s absence, was Lirain’s sister concubine. She proved

not to have been drugged. She woke and opened her mouth to yell. Hanse reduced

that to a squeak by punching her in the belly, which was shockingly convex and

soft, considering her youth. He held a pillow over her face, sustaining a couple

of scratches and a bruised shin. She became still. He made sure that she was

limp but quite alive, and bound her with a gaiter off her own sandal. The other

he pulled around so as to hold in place the silken garment he stuffed into her

mouth, and tied behind her head. He removed the pendant from one ear. All in

darkness. He hurried to wrap the rod of authority in the drape off a low table.

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