Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

rolled his eyes to glance around this royal chamber for audiences most private.

For that reason the door was open. By it sat a deaf woman plucking a lute.

‘Both of us are overdue for sleep, Hanse. The day presses on to mid-morning.’

‘I am … more accustomed to night work than y – than His Highness.’

The prince laughed. ‘So you are, Shadowspawn! Amazing how many clever men turn

to crime. Broke into the very palace! My very chamber! Enjoyed a royal concubine

too, eh?’ He sat gazing reflectively at the thief, very aware that they were

nearly of an age. Peasant and prince; thief and governor. ‘Well, soon Lirain

will be babbling her head off, and all will know there was a plot – and from

home at that! Also that she was dishonouring her royal master’s bed with her co


‘And that His heroic Highness not only slew the son of a toad, but showed a true

noble ruler’s mercy by sparing a thief,’ Hanse said hopefully.

‘Yes, Hanse. That is being put into writing at this moment. Ah, and there were

witnesses to everything! All of it!’

Hanse was overboldened to say, ‘Except… Bourne’s death, my lord prince.’

‘Hoho! Would you like to know about that, Hanse? You know so much already. We

have holds each on the other, you and I. I killed Bourne up at Eaglenest. With

one stroke,’ Kadakithis added. After all, it had been his first.

Hanse stared.

‘You do seem to be learning caution, Shadowspawn! I do hope you will accept the

employment I’ll soon be offering you. You avoid mentioning that when you came

out of that well you saw no corpse. No; he tried to flee and died a few feet

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