Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

‘I fight only to defend myself or the citizens of the empire.’

‘And I will not knowingly raise a sword against one who has saved my life …

save in self-defence,’ Jubal retorted. ‘It would seem, then, that we will not

fight each other. Still, it seems you hold some grudge against me. May I ask

what it is?’

‘It is the grudge I hold against any man who reaps the benefits of Rankan

citizenship while accepting none of the responsibility,’ the Hell Hound sneered.

‘Not only do you not serve the empire that shelters you, you undermine its

strength by openly flaunting your disrespect for its laws in your business


‘What do you know of my business dealings that allows you to make such sweeping

judgements?’ Jubal challenged.

‘I know you make your money in ways decent men would shun,’ Zaibar retorted.

‘You deal in slaves and drugs and other high-profit, low-moral commodities …

but most of all, you deal in death.’

‘A professional soldier condemns me for dealing in death?’ Jubal smiled.

The Hell Hound flushed red at the barb. ‘Yes. I also deal in death. But a

soldier such as myself fights for the good of the empire, not for selfish gain.

I lost a brother and several friends in the mountain campaigns fighting for the

empire … for the freedoms you and your kind abuse.’

‘Imagine that,’ Jubal mused. ‘The whole Rankan army defending us against a few

scattered mountain tribes. Why, if you and your friends hadn’t been there, the

Highlanders certainly would have swept down out of the mountains they haven’t

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