Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

change. At the door he hesitates. The poison is not fatal; it only leaves you

paralysed for a while. Surgeons use it.

The man stares at the floor for a long time. He is conscious of drooling, and

other loss of control.

When the host returns, he is barely recognizable. Instead of the gaudy robe, he

wears a patched and stained houppelande with a rope for a belt. The pomaded

white mane is gone: his bald scalp is creased with a webbed old scar from a

swordstroke. His left thumb is missing from the second joint. He smiles, and

shows almost as much gap as tooth.

I am going to treat you kindly. There are some who would pay well to use your

helpless body, and they would kill you afterwards.

He undresses the limp man, clucking, and again compliments himself for his

charity, and the man for his well-kept youth. He lifts the grate in the

fireplace and drops the garment down the shaft that serves for disposal of


In another part of town, I’m known as One-Thumb; here, I cover the stump with a

taxidermist’s imitation. Convincing, isn’t it? He lifts the man easily and

carries him through the main door. No fault of yours, of course, but you’re

distantly related to the magistrate who had my thumb off. The barking of the

dogs grows louder as they descend the stairs.

Here we are. He pushes open the door to the kennels. The barking quiets to

pleading whines. Ten fighting hounds, each in an individual run, up against its

feeding trough, slavering politely, yawning grey sharp fangs.,

We have to feed them separately, of course. So they don’t hurt each other.

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