Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

The words rolled off Myrtis’s tongue with an ease and inflection of majesty. To

many of the long-time residents of Sanctuary, Myrtis was the city’s unofficial

royalty. On the Street of Red Lanterns she reigned supreme.

‘Certainly not, madame.’

‘You have seen the girls now. Did you have a particular lady in mind, or would

you prefer to explore my establishment further?’

Myrtis guided him back into her parlour with slight pressure against his arm.

She wore a high-necked dark gown which only hinted at the legendary figure

beneath. The madam of the Aphrodisia House was beautiful, more beautiful than

any of the -girls working for her; fathers told this to their sons who were, in

turn, passing this indisputable fact along to their sons. But a ravishing beauty

which endured unchanging for three generations was awesome rather than

desirable. Myrtis did not compete with the girls who worked for her.

The young man cleared his throat. It was clearly his first visit to any brothel.

He fingered the tassels on the side of an immense wine-coloured velvet love-seat

before speaking.

‘I think I’ll go a round with the violet-silks.’

Myrtis stared at him until he fidgeted one of the tassels loose and his face

flushed a deep crimson.

‘Call Cylene. Tell her the Lavender Room.’

A girl too young to be working jumped up from a cushion where she had waited in

silence for such a command. The youth turned to follow her.

‘Four pieces of silver – Cylene is very talented. And a name – I think that you

should be known as Terapis.’ Myrtis smiled to reveal her even white teeth.

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