Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

price an adept paid for power.

The blue glow gathered, fulminated in many-coloured patterns, pulsing and

glowing, until Lythande stood within the light; and there, in the Place That Is

Not, seated upon a throne carved apparently from sapphire, was the Master of the


‘Greetings to you, fellow star, star-born, shyryu.’ The terms of endearment

could mean fellow, companion, brother, sister, beloved, equal, pilgrim; its

literal meaning was sharer of starlight. ‘What brings you into the Pilgrim Place

this night from afar?’

‘The need for knowledge, star-sharer. Have you sent one to seek me out in


‘Not so, shyryu. All is well in the Temple of the Star-sharers; you have not yet

been summoned; the hour is not yet come.’

For every adept of the Blue Star knows; it is one of the prices of power. At the

world’s end, when all the doings of mankind and mortals are done, the last to

fall under the assault of Chaos will be the Temple of the Star; and then, in the

Place That Is Not, the Master of the Star will summon all of the Pilgrim Adepts

from the farthest corners of the world, to fight with all their magic against

Chaos; but until that day, they have such freedom as will best strengthen their

powers. The Master of the Star repeated, reassuringly, ‘The hour has not come.

You ace free to walk as you will in the world.’

The blue glow faded, and Lythande stood shivering. So Rabben had not been sent

in that final summoning. Yet the end and Chaos might well be at hand for

Lythande before the hour appointed, if Rabben the Half-handed had his way.

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