Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

see the frail form of a young girl in a torn and ragged dress; she was barefoot

and her ear was bleeding where one jewelled earring had been torn from the lobe.

She was struggling in the iron grip of a huge burly black-bearded man, and the

first thing Lythande saw was the hand gripped around the girl’s thin, bony

wrist, dragging her; two fingers missing and the other cut away to the first

joint. Only then – when it was no longer needed – did Lythande see the blue star

between the black bristling brows, the cat-yellow eyes of Rabben the Half


Lythande knew him of old, from the Temple of the Star. Even then Rabben had been

a vicious man, his lecheries notorious. Why, Lythande wondered, had the Masters

not demanded that he renounce them as the price of his power? Lythande’s lips

tightened in a mirthless grimace; so notorious had been Rabben’s lecheries that

if he renounced them, everyone would know the Secret of his Power.


For the powers of an Adept of the Blue Star depended upon a secret. As in the

old legend of the giant who kept his heart in a secret place outside his body,

and with it his immortality, so the Adept of the Blue Star poured all his

psychic force into a single Secret; and the one who discovered the Secret would

acquire all of that adept’s power. So Rabben’s Secret must be something else …

Lythande did not speculate on it.

The girl cried out pitifully as Rabben jerked at her wrist; as the burly

magician’s star began to glow, she thrust her free hand over her eyes to shield

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