Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

even before the editors saw it. (My prophecy proved correct. Ace/Sunridge bought

her manuscript, and a major promo campaign is currently underway. The book

should be on the stands when you see this anthology.)

SUNDAY: Wonder of wonders. Over cognac at the Ace dead-dog party, Jim Baen

expresses a solid interest in the anthology … if ‘I succeed in filling the

remaining slots with authors of an equal quality to those already committed.

Leaving the party, 1 encounter Jim Odbert in the hall and do a little bragging.

He brings me down to earth by asking about the street map. I hadn’t even thought

about it, but he was right! It would be absolutely necessary for internal

continuity. Thinking fast, I commission him on the spot and retire, harbouring a

nagging hunch that this project might be a bit more involved than I had


Back in Ann Arbor, I face the task of filling the remaining openings for the

anthology. My magic wand for this feat is a telephone. Having been a fan for

many years, I have had passing contact with several prominent authors, many of

whom don’t know that I’m writing now. I figure it will be easier to jog their

memories over the phone than trying to do the same thing by letter.

The problem now is … who? Solid authors … that’s a must. Authors who know me

well enough that they won’t hang up when I call. Authors who don’t know me so

well that they’ll hang up when I call.

Andy! Andy Offutt. Our paths had crossed several times at cons, and I know we

share a mutual admiration of Genghis Khan.

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