Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

it would disrupt the schedule completely. They point out that if I can meet the

new schedule, they’ll make it their lead book for the month it’s released. The

avaricious side of me is screaming, but I stick to my guns and repeat that it’s

impossible to guarantee. They offer a contract for a second Thieves’ World

anthology, suggesting that if a couple of stories are late, I can include them

in the next book. Under attack now both from my publisher and my own greedy

nature, I roll my eyes heavenward, swallow hard, and agree.

A new note is rapidly dispatched to the contributors, politely reminding them of

the approaching deadline. Also included is Gordy’s character sketch for Jamie

the Red which he had finally submitted under mild duress (his arm will heal


Andy calls and wants to know the prince’s name. I haven’t given it any thought,

but am willing to negotiate. An hour later, I hang up. It occurs to me that I

haven’t written my story yet.

Gordy notifies me that he can’t get his story done in time for the first book.

Terrific! With Gordy and Roger both out of the first volume, it’s starting to

look a little short.

Andy’s story comes in, as does Joe’s and Poul’s.

Andy’s story includes a discussion with Joe’s One-Thumb character. Joe has

killed One-Thumb off in his story. A minor sequencing problem.

Poul’s story has Cappen Varra going off on an adventure with Gordy’s Jamie the

Red. Gordie’s Jamie the Red story won’t be in the first book! A major sequencing

problem! Oh, well. I owe Gordy one for talking me into editing this monster.

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