Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

thoughts of assassination as a last resort.’

‘If Your Excellency has an alternative plan he wishes to suggest, I would be

honoured to give it my appraisal,’ Kilite offered, wisely hiding his feelings of


‘I have no immediate plan,’ the Emperor admitted. ‘Nor will I be able to give it

my full concentration until another matter is settled which weighs heavily on my

mind. Surely the empire is safe from my brother for a few more days?’

‘What is the other decision demanding your attention?’ the adviser asked,

ignoring his ruler’s attempt at levity. ‘If it is something I might assist you

in resolving…’

‘It is nothing. A minor decision, but an unpleasant one nonetheless. I must

appoint a new military governor for Sanctuary.’

‘Sanctuary?’ Kilite frowned.

‘A small town at the southern tip of the empire. I had a bit of trouble finding

it myself – it’s been excluded from the more recent maps. Whatever reason there

was for the town’s existence has apparently passed. It is withering and dying, a

refuge for petty criminals and down-at-the-heels adventurers. Still, it’s part

of the empire.’

‘And they need a new military governor,’ Kilite murmured softly.

‘The old one’s retiring.’ The Emperor shrugged. ‘Which leaves me with a problem.

As a garrisoned empire town, they are entitled to a governor of some stature

– someone who knows the empire well enough to serve as their representative and

go-between with the capital. He should be strong enough to uphold and enforce

the law – a function I fear where the old governor was noticeably lax.’

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