Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

Gophlan was far too cautious to leave it overnight in the custody of a mere

scribe. He would return on his next duty-free day, the day after tomorrow or the

day after that, depending on which of his fellow officers he could exchange


But Melilot had deduced that if the scroll were so important that Nizharu kept

it by him even when undertaking a mundane tour of inspection, it must be very

private indeed. He was, apparently, correct. Nizharu listened with close

attention, and many nods to the alternative plan of action.

For a consideration, Melilot was prepared to furnish a false translation

designed to jar Aye-Gophlan into doing something for which Nizharu could safely

arrest him, without it ever being known that he had enjoyed temporary possession

of a scroll which by ‘ rights should have remained in the commander’s hands. Let

him only specify the terms, and it would be as good as done.

When she – whom Nizharu still believed a he, for which she was profoundly glad

finished talking, the commander pondered a while. At length he started to smile,

though it never reached his eyes, and in firm clear terms expressed his

conditions for entering into a compact along the lines Melilot proposed. He

capped all by handing over two gold coins, of a type she did not recognize, with

a promise that he would have her (his) hide if they did not both reach Melilot,

and a large silver token of the kind used at Ilsig for himself.

Then he instructed a soldier she had not met to escort her to the gate and

across Governor’s Walk. But she gave the man the slip as soon as they were clear

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