Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert


She woke late, at least half an hour past dawn. She was in her own bed; the

dormitory was otherwise empty. All her limbs were pervaded by a delicious

languor. Enas Yorl had kept his promise. If he had been equally skilled when he

was younger, small wonder his rival’s bride had preferred him to her husband!

Reluctantly opening her eyes, she saw something on the rough pillow. Puzzled,

she looked again, reached out, touched: green, iridescent, powdery –


With a cry she leapt from the bed, just as Melilot marched in, red-faced with


‘So there you- are, you little slut! Where were you all night? I watched until I

could stay awake no longer! By now I was sure you’d been taken by the guard and

thrown in jail! What did Nizharu say?’

Naked, bewildered, for a long moment Jarveena was at a loss. Then her eye fell

on something infinitely reassuring. On the wooden peg over her bed hung her

cloak, jerkin and breeches, and also her precious writing-case, just as though

she herself had replaced them on retiring.

Seizing the case, she opened the compartment where she hid such things, and

triumphantly produced the gold she had accepted from the commander – but not the

silver he had allotted to herself.

‘He paid this for a false rendering of the scroll,’ she said. ‘But you’re not to

make one.’

‘What?’ Snatching the coins, Melilot made to bite them, but checked.

‘How would you like to be scribe by appointment to the governor’s household?’

‘Are you crazed?’ The fat man’s eyes bulbed.

‘Not in the least.’ Heedless of his presence, Jarveena reached under the bed for

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