Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

offered us my full bride-price, though he is married. Father refused the

“honour”. Molin’s men beat him senseless and carried me screaming from the


‘I fought with him when he came to me that night. He will not want another woman

for some time. But my father could not believe I had not been dishonoured. And

Molin said that if I would not yield to him, then no living man should have me.’

‘Such are ever the words of scorned men,’ Illyra added gently.

‘No. It was a curse, /know this for certain. Their gods are strong enough to

answer when they call.

‘Last night two of their Hell Hounds appeared at our estate to offer new terms

to my father. A fair price for our land, safe conduct to Ilsig – but I am to

remain behind. Tomorrow night they will consecrate the cornerstone of their new

temple with a virgin’s death. I am to be under that stone when they lay it.’

Though Illyra was not specifically a truth-seer, the tale tied all the horrific

visions into a whole. It would take the gods to save this woman from the fate

Molin Torchholder had waiting for her. It was no secret that the empire sought

to conquer the Ilsig gods as they had conquered their armies. If the Rankan

priest could curse a woman with unbreachable virginity, Illyra didn’t think

there was much she could do.

The woman was still sobbing. There was no future in her patronage, but Illyra

felt sorry for her. She opened a little cabinet and shook a good-sized pinch of

white powder into a small liquid-filled vial.

‘Tonight, before you retire, take this with a glass of wine.’

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