Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

mane, large eyes focused hard on her visitor. ‘You find time when you need help

in disaster,’ she said.

He had not patronized her before, or indeed any fortune-teller of thaumaturge in

Sanctuary. In Caronne, where he grew up, most folk had no use for magic. In his

later wanderings he had encountered sufficient strangeness to temper his native

scepticism. As shaken as he already was, he felt a chill go along his spine. ‘Do

you read my fate without even casting a spell?’

She smiled afresh, but bleakly. ‘Oh, no. It’s simple reason. Word did filter

back to the Maze that you were residing in the Jewellers’ Quarter and a frequent

guest at the mansion of Molin Torchholder. When you appear on the heels of a new

word – that last night his wife was reaved from him – plain to see is that

you’ve been affected yourself.’

He nodded. ‘Yes, and sore afflicted. I have lost -‘ He hesitated, unsure whether

it would be quite wise to say ‘my love’ to this girl whose charms he had rather

extravagantly praised.

‘- your position and income,’ Illyra snapped. ‘The high priest cannot be in any

mood for minstrelsy. I’d guess his wife favoured you most, anyhow. I need not

guess you spent your earnings as fast as they fell to you, or faster, were

behind in your rent, and were accordingly kicked out of your choice apartment as

soon as rumour reached the landlord. You’ve returned to the Maze because you’ve

no place else to go, and to me in hopes you can wheedle me into giving you a

clue – for if you’re instrumental in recovering the lady, you’ll likewise

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