Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

quite elegant, virtual exercises in three-dimensional geometry.’ Seeing interest

kindle in her, he added, ‘I studied mathematics in boyhood; my father, before he

died, wanted me to have a gentleman’s education. The main part has rusted away

in me, but I remember useful or picturesque details.’

‘Well, give us a show, come luncheon time,’ Jamie proposed.

Cappen did, when they halted. That was on a hillside above the White Foal River.

It wound gleaming through farmlands whose intense green denied that desert

lurked on the rim of sight. The noonday sun baked strong odours out of the

earth: humus, resin, juice of wild plants. A solitary plane tree graciously gave

shade. Bees hummed.

After the meal, and after Danlis had scrambled off to get a closer look at a

kind of lizard new to her, Cappen demonstrated his skill. She was especially

taken – enchanted – by his geometric artifices. Like any Rankan lady, she

carried a sewing kit in her gear; and being herself, she had writing materials

along. Thus he could apply scissors and thread to paper. He showed how a single

ring may be cut to produce two. that are interlocked, and how a strip may be

twisted to have but one surface and one edge, and whatever else he knew. Jamie

watched with pleasure, if with less enthusiasm.

Observing how delight made her glow, Cappen was inspired to carry on the latest

poem he was composing for her. It had been slower work than usual. He had the

conceit, the motif, a comparison of her to the dawn, but hitherto only the first

few lines had emerged, and no proper structure. In this moment –

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