Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

‘Of course, if you should luck out – I don’t expect it, but in case you do

remember who gave you a boost.’ A figure appeared in the door and he went to

render service.

After a bit of muttered talk, he led the newcomer to Cappen’s place. When the

minstrel recognized the lean youth, his pulse leaped. One-Thumb would not have

brought him and Hanse together without cause; bard and thief found each other

insufferable. They nodded coldly but did not speak until the tapster returned

with a round of ale.

When the three were seated, One-Thumb said, ‘Well spit it out, boy. You claim

you’ve got news.’

‘For him?’ Hanse flared, gesturing at Cappen.

‘Never mind who. Just talk.’

Hanse scowled. ‘I don’t talk for a single lousy mugful.’

‘You do if you want to keep on coming in here.’

Hanse bit his lip. The Vulgar Unicorn was a rendezvous virtually indispensable

to one in his trade.

Cappen thought it best to sweeten the pill: ‘I’m known to Molin Torchholder. If

I can serve him in this matter, he won’t be stingy. Nor will I. Shall we say

hm – ten gold royals to you?’

The sum was not princely, but on that account plausible. ‘Awright, awright,’

Hanse replied. ‘I’d been casing a job I might do in the Jewellers’ Quarter. A

squad of the watch came by towards morning and I figured I’d better go home, not

by the way I came, either. So I went along the Avenue of Temples, as I might be

wanting to stop in and pay my respects to some god or other. It was a dark

night, overcast, the reason I’d been out where I was. But you know how several

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