Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert


He was surprised as he completed his account to see that the prince was

frowning. And, in fact, moments later, the young governor bent down towards one

of the men at a table below him to one side, and said something in a low voice.

The aide’s reply was equally inaudible.

The youngest ruler Sanctuary had ever had thereupon faced forwards. His gaze

fixed on Stulwig’s face. ‘There are several people in these parts,’ he said in

an alarmingly severe voice, ‘of whose whereabouts we maintain a continuing

awareness. Cappen Varra, for several reasons, is one of these. And so, Mr

Healer, I have to inform you that Cappen left Sanctuary half a moon ago, and is

not expected back for at least two more moons.’

‘B-b-bu-ut-‘ Stulwig began. And stopped. Then in a high-pitched voice: ‘That man

in the seeress’s dream!’ he stuttered. ‘Long black hair to the shoulders. Ils in

human form!’

There was silence after he had spoken there in that great hall of justice, where

a youthful Rankan prince sat in judgement, looking down from his high bench.

Other offenders were waiting in the back of the room. They were guarded by

slaves, with the two Hell Hounds that had brought Stulwig acting as overseers.

So there would be witnesses to this judgement. The wisdom of it, whatever course

it might take, would be debated when the news of it got out.

Standing there, Stulwig suppressed an impulse to remind his highness of a

certain night thirteen moons ago. In the wee hours he had been called out of his

bed, and escorted to the palace.

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