Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

Enas Yorl with a warning. And, of course, her brother-lover, with his limited

vision, would not know that she had done so.

‘These are all fine points,’ Stulwig finished lamely, ‘and of concern only to an

individual like myself who seems to have earned the displeasure of one of these

mighty beings.’

Quag was calm. ‘Having lived many years,’ he said, ‘it could be that I have some

clarifying information for you, whereby you may judge the seriousness of your

situation.’ He continued, after a moment of silence,’ In Sanctuary, the reason

for the gods interfering in human affairs can have only one underlying motive.

Someone has got above himself. What would be above a healer? A woman of noble

family taken advantage of. An insult to a priest or god. Was your father guilty

of either sin?’

‘Hmmm!’ Stulwig did not resist the analysis. He nodded thoughtfully in the

Sanctuary way of agreement, shaking his head from side to side. ‘No question,’

he said, ‘it was not a chance killing. The assassin by some means penetrated a

barricaded residence, committed the murder, and departed without stealing any

valuables. In a city where people are daily killed most casually for their

possessions, when – as in this instance of my father’s assassination – the

possessions are untouched, we are entitled to guess a more personal motive.’

He added unhappily, ‘I have to confess that the reason I did not run to his

rescue when I heard his cry, was that he had established an agreement with me

that neither of us would intrude upon the other during the night hours. So it

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