Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

could have been a lady of quality being avenged.’

For a small time they walked silently. Then: ‘I advise you to abandon this

search.’ Quag spoke earnestly. ‘Go back to your healing profession, and leave

murderers to the authorities.’

This time Stulwig did the up and down headshake, meaning no. He said unhappily,

‘When Ils himself manifests in a dream, which unmistakably commands me to track

down the killer, I have no choice.’

The Hell Hound’s craggy face was visibly unimpressed. ‘After all,’ he said

dismissingly, ‘Your Ils failed all his people in Sanctuary when he allowed the

city to be overrun by armies that worshipped another god.’

‘The city is being punished for its sinfulness.’ Stulwig automatically spoke the

standard explanation given by the priests of Ils. ‘When we have learned our

lesson, and paid our penalty, the invader will be impelled to depart.’

‘When I left the palace,’ said Quag, ‘there was no sign of the prince’s slaves

packing his goods.’ Shrugging. ‘Such a departure for such a reason is difficult

for me to envision, and I suggest you build no hopes on it.’

He broke off. ‘Ah, here we are. As soon as you are safely inside – and of course

we’ll search the place and make sure there is no one lurking in a dark corner-‘

It was a few periods later. ‘Thank you,’ said a grateful Stulwig. He watched

them, then, go down the stairs. When Quag paused at the bottom, and looked back

questioningly, Stulwig dutifully closed and barricaded the door.

And there he was.

It was a quiet evening. Two men patients and one woman patient knocked on the

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