Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

Inside the bedroom a god was yelling in a deep, baritone voice at the nude

Amazon, who was still sitting on the edge of the bed. And the Amazon was yelling

back in a voice that was like that of a male tenor. They spoke in a language

that was not Ilsig.

In his time Stulwig had learned several hundred basic medically useful words in

half a dozen dialects of the Rankan empire. So now, after a few familiar words

had come through to him -suddenly, the truth.

The woman was Azyuma. And Vashanka was berating her for her infidelity. And she

was yelling back, accusing him of similar infidelities with human women.

The revelation dazzled Stulwig. So the gods, as had so often been suggested in

vague tales about them, were like humans in their physical needs. Fleshly

contacts. Angry arguments. Perhaps even intake of food with the consequent

digestion and elimination by stool and urination.

But much more important for this situation was the intimate act she had sought

with a human male … Trust a woman! thought Stulwig. Hating her incestuous

relationship. Degraded. Sad. Hopeless. But nevertheless jealous when her god

husband-brother went off to earth, and, as gods have done since the beginning of

time, lay with a human woman. Or two. Or a hundred.

So she had got even. Had taken the form of a human woman. And had cunningly

enticed a male – this time, himself; three and a half years ago, his father – to

lie with her. Not too difficult to do in lustful Sanctuary.

And thus, Ten-Slayer, in his jealous rage, had become Eleven-Slayer – if humans

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