Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

extinguished her lamp. Oil cost money, and there had been many nights when she

had had to do without it.

Wallu, a tall skinny sagging-breasted woman of fifty, with gaunt deeply-lined

features, kissed her daughter on the cheek. Her breath was sour with sleep and

goat’s cheese. But Masha appreciated the peck; her life had few expressions of

love in it. And yet she was full of it; she was a bottle close to bursting with


The light on the rickety table in the corner showed a blank-walled room without

rugs. In a far corner the two infants slept on a pile of tattered but clean

blankets. Beside them was a small chamberpot of baked clay painted with the

black and scarlet rings-within-rings of the Darmek guild. .

In another corner was her false-teeth making equipment, wax, moulds, tiny

chisels, saws, and expensive wire, hardwood, iron, a block of ivory. She had

only recently repaid the money she’d borrowed to purchase these. In the opposite

corner was another pile of cloth, Wallu’s bed, and beside it another thundermug

with the same design. An ancient and wobbly spinning-wheel was near it; Wallu

made some money with it, though not much. Her hands were gnarled with arthritis,

one eye had a cataract, and the other was beginning to lose its sight for some

unknown reason.

Along the adobe wall was a brass charcoal brazier and above it a wooden vent. A

bin held charcoal. A big cabinet beside it held grain and some dried meat and

plates and knives. Near it was a baked clay vase for water. Next to it was a

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