Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

sweet sleep came.


by Jante Morris


The storm swept down on Sanctuary in unnatural fury, as if to punish the thieves

for their misdeeds. Its hailstones were large as fists. They pummelled Wideway

and broke windows on the Street of Red Lanterns and collapsed the temple of Ils,

most powerful of the conquered Ilsigs’ gods.

The lightning it brought snapped up from the hills and down from the devilish

skies and wherever it spat the world shuddered and rolled. It licked round the

dome of Prince Kadakithis’s palace and when it was gone, the Storm God

Vashanka’s name was seared into the stone in huge hieratic letters visible from

the harbour. It slithered in the window of Jubal’s walled estate and circled

round the slavetrader’s chair while he sat in it, turning his black face blue

with terror.

It danced on a high hill between the slaver’s estate and the cowering town,

where a mercenary named Tempus schooled his new Syrese horse in the art of

death. He had bought the tarnished silver beast sight unseen, sending to a man

whose father’s life he had once saved.

‘Easy,’ he advised the horse, who slipped in a sharp turn, throwing mud up into

his rider’s face. Tempus cursed the mud and the rain and the hours he would need

to spend on his tack when the lesson was done. As for the screaming, stumbling

hawk-masked man who fled iron-shod hooves in ever-shortening circles, he had no

gods to invoke – he just howled.

The horse wheeled and hopped; its rider clung tightly, reins flapping loose,

using only his knees to guide his mount. If the slaver who kept a private army

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