Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

blew away on a west wind, so that the full moon shone upon the land.

‘Too much krrf,’ the mercenary who had sold himself for a Hell Hound sighed.

‘Hell Hound’ was what the citizenry called the Prince’s Guard; as far as Tempus

was concerned. Sanctuary was Hell. The only thing that made it bearable was

krrf, his drug of choice. Rubbing a clammy palm across his mouth, he dug in his

human-hide belt until searching fingers found a little silver box he always

carried. Flipping it open, he took a pinch of black Caronne krrf and, clenching

his fist, piled the dust into the hollow between his first thumb joint and the

fleshy muscle leading to his knuckle. He sniffed deeply, sighed, and repeated

the process, inundating his other nostril.

‘Too much damn krrf,’ he chuckled, for the krrf had never been stepped on – he

did not buy adulterated drugs – and all six and a half feet of him tingled from

its kiss. One of these days he would have to stop using it – the same day he

laid down his sword.

He felt for its hilt, patted it. He had taken to calling it his ‘Wriggly-be

good’, since he had come to this godforsaken warren of magicians and changelings

and thieves. Then, the initial euphoria of the drug past, he kneed his horse


It was the krrf, not the instructions of the lightning or any fear of Vashanka,

that made him go by way of the harbour. He was walking out his horse before

taking it to the stable the Hell Hounds shared with the barracks personnel. What

had ever possessed him to come down-country among the Ilsigs? It was not for his

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