Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

Prince has bought the aid of a mighty enchanter, whom even the bravest of the

Hell Hounds fears. A woman was washed up naked and half drowned on the

Downwinders’ beach and in her hair were pins of diamond.’


‘Rods, then.’

‘Wonderful. What else?’

‘The redhead from Amoli’s Lily Garden died at moonrise.’

He knew very well what whore the old man meant. He did not like the story, so

far. He growled. ‘You had better astound me, quick, for the price you’re


‘Between the Vulgar Unicorn and the tenement on the corner an entire building

appeared on that vacant lot, where once the Black Spire stood – you know the


‘I know it.’


‘Interesting. What else?’

‘It is rather fancy, with a gilded dome. It has two doors, and above them two

signs that read, “Men”, and “Women”.’

Vashanka had kept his word, then.

‘Inside it, so the patrons of the Unicorn say, they sell weapons. Very special

weapons. And the price is dear.’

‘What has this to do with me?’

‘ Some folk who have gone in there have not come out. And some have come out and

turned one upon the other, duelling to the death. Some have merely slain

whomsoever crossed their paths. Yet, word is spreading, and Ilsig and Rankan

queue up like brothers before its doors. Since some of those who were standing

in line were hawk-masks, I thought it good that you should know.’

‘I am touched, old man. I had no idea you cared.’ He threw the copper coins to

the storyteller’s feet and reined the horse sideways so abruptly it reared. When

its feet touched the ground, he set it at a collected canter through the crowd,

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