Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

last dissolving wisps of Vashanka’s Weaponshop blurred away into the mists of



By Andrew J. Offutt

She was more than attractive and she walked with head high in pride and

awareness of her womanhood. The bracelet on her bare arm flashed and seemed to

glow with that brightness the gods reserve for polished new gold. She should

have been walking amid bright lights illuminating the dancing waters of a

fountain, turning its sparkling into a million diamonds and, with the aid of a

bit of refraction, colourful other gemstones as well.

There was no fountain down here by the fish market, and the few lights were not

bright. She did not belong here. She was stupid to be here, walking unescorted

so late at night. She was stupid. Stupidity had its penalties; it did not pay.

Still, the watching thief appreciated the stupidity of others. It did pay; it

paid him. He made his living by it, by his own cleverness and the stupidity of

others. He was about to go to work. Even at the reduced price he would receive

from a changer, that serpent-carved bracelet would feed him well. It would keep

him, without the necessity of more such hard work as this damnable lurking,

waiting, for – oh, probably a month.

Though she was the sort of woman men looked upon with lust, the thief would not

have her. He did not see her that way. His lust was not carnal. The waiting

thief was no rapist. He was a businessman. He did not even like to kill, and he

seldom had to. She passed the doorway in whose shadows he lurked, on the north

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