Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

‘Yes,’ Tempus said, considerately-cleverly changing the subject. ‘What old

whatsisname Torchholder yammers about is true. Vashanka came, and He claimed

Sanctuary. His name is branded into the place, now. The very temple of Ils lies

in rubble. Vashanka created the Weaponshop, from nothing, and-‘

‘A pedlar-god?’

‘I didn’t think much of the lactic myself,’ Tempus said, hoping Vashanka heard

him while noting how good the youth was at sneering. ‘And the Weaponshop

destroyed the mage the governor imported to combat him. Vashanka is not to be


Hanse snapped glances this way and that. ‘Say such things a time or two more in

Sanctuary, my friend, and your body will be mourning the loss of its head.’

The blond man stared at him. ‘Do you believe that?’

Hanse let that pass, while he rowed into the current of other conversations in

the tavern. A current restless as a thief on a landing outside a window, and

conversations just as stealthy and dark. He tuned it out again, stepping out of

the flow yet flowing with it. Quietly.

‘And how many of those fell Things do you think are still loose?’

‘Too many. Two or four? You know our job is to collect them.’


‘The Hell Hounds.’

‘Who’s your bearded friend, Hanse?’

The speaker stood beside the table, only a bit older than Hanse and just as

cocky. Older in years only; he had not benefited from those years and would

never be so much as Hanse. Self-consciously he wore self-consciously tight

black. Oh, a brilliant thief! About as unobtrusive as hives.

Hanse was staring at Tempus, who was pink and bronze of skin, gold and honey of

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