Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

Such an animal would have moved Hanse to pity. Athavul was just ridiculous.

Hanse wanted to kick him. He was also aware that two or three people were

peering out of the dump still called Sly’s Place though Sly had taken dropsy and

died two years back.

‘Ath? Did she hurt you? Hey! You little piece of camel dropping – what did she

do to you?’

At the angry, demanding sound of Hanse’s voice, Athavul clutched himself.

Weeping loudly, he rolled over against the wall. He left little spots of tears

and slobber and a puddle from a spasming sphincter. Hanse swallowed hard.

Sorcery. That damned Enos Y – no, he didn’t work this way. Ath was absolutely

terrified. Hanse had always thought him the consistency of sparrow’s liver and

chicken soup, with bird’s eggs between his legs. But this – not even this

strutting ass could be this hideously possessed by fear without preternatural

aid. Just the sight of it was scary. Hanse felt an urge to stomp or stick Ath

just to shut him up, and that was awful.

He glanced at the thirty-one strands of dangling Syrese rope (each knotted

thirty-one times) that hung in the doorway of Sly’s. He saw seven staring

eyeballs, six fingers, and several mismatched feet. Even in the Maze, noise

attracted attention … but people had sense enough not to go running out to see

what was amiss.

‘BLAAAH!’ Hanse shouted, making a horrid face and pouncing at the doorway. Then

he rushed past the grovelling, weeping Athavul. At the corner he looked up

Odours towards Straight, and he was sure he saw the vermilion cloak. Maroon now,

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