Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

gutted, and maybe she did not – and he railed at his comrade. The latter, on his

knees, behaved as Athavul had when Hanse shouted at him. He fell over and rolled

away, assuming the foetal posture while he wept and pled.

The killer spat several expletives and whirled back to his victim. She was

twitching, dying. Yanking open the vermilion cloak, he jerked off her necklace,

ripped a twisted silver loop out of each ear, and yanked at the scantling purse

on her girdle. It refused to come free. He sliced it with the swift single

movement of a practised expert. Straightening, he glanced in every direction,

said something to his partner – who rolled foetally, sobbing.

‘Theba take you, then,’ the thief said, and ran.

Back into the shadows of the market building’s west corner he fled, and one of

the shadows tripped him. As he fell, an elbow thumped the back of his neck.

‘I want what you’ve got, you murdering bastard,’ a shadow-voice said from the

shadows, while the footpad twisted to roll over. ‘Your kind gives thieves a bad


‘Take it then!’ The fallen man rammed the white staff into the shadow’s thigh as

it started to bend over him.

Instantly fear seized Hanse. Viced him; encompassed him; possessed him.

Sickening, stomach-fluttering fear. His armpits flooded and his sphincter


Unlike the stick’s victims he had seen, he was in darkness, and he was

Shadowspawn. He did not fall to his knees.

He fled, desperately afraid, snivelling, clutching his gut, babbling. Tears

flowed to blind him, but he was in darkness anyhow. Staggering, weeping,

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