Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

The services were dull and he had never liked the odour of incense. It made him

want to sneeze and go to sleep, both at once. Insofar as he ever gave thought to

religion, he leaned towards a sort of loyalty to the demigod Rander

Rehabilitatus. He endured, and he observed. This goddess’s worship in Sanctuary

included two blind adherents. Both carried staffs. Though only one was white, it

was not in the grip of a left-handed man.

Finding his quarry really was as simple as that. On deserting his partner, the

murderous thief had sneered ‘Theba take you,’ and Moonflower had Seen that

goddess, or at least the likeness of her icons and amulets. She had no more than

forty worshippers here, and only this one (part-time) temple. The thief had also

struck away the terror-stick with his right hand and used his left to drive the

dagger into his victim – and to use the staff on Hanse.

There came the time of Communing In Her. Hanse watched what the others did. They

mingled, and a buzz rose as they said nice silly loving peace-things to each

other in the name of Her. The usual meaningless ritual; ‘peace’ was a word and

life and its exigencies were another matter. Hanse mingled.

‘Peace and love to you, brother,’ a woman said from within her wine-dark cowl,

and her hand slipped into Hanse’s robe and he caught her wrist.

‘Peace and defter fingers to you, sister,’ he said quietly, and went around her

towards his goal. To be certain, he came cowl to cowl with the man with the

white stick and, smiling, made a shamefully obscene gesture. The cowl and the

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