Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

. ings. The pressures of patrolling the hateful town slipped away like a heavy

cloak, allowing him to look forwards to an uninterrupted meal in pleasant


‘Perhaps you could speak to Tempus? We needn’t like each other, but if he could

find another target for his taunts, it would do much towards easing my hatred.’

Zalbar shot a wary glance at his comrade, but detected none of the blind anger

which he had earlier expressed. The question seemed to be an honest attempt on

Razkuli’s part to find a corn-promise solution to an intolerable situation.

‘I would, if I thought it would help,’ he sighed reluctantly, ‘but I fear I have

little influence on him. If anything, it would only make matters worse. He would

redouble his attacks to prove he wasn’t afraid of me either.’

‘But you’re his superior officer,’ Razkuli argued.

‘Officially, perhaps,’ his friend shrugged, ‘but we both know there are gaps

between what is official and what is true. Tempus has the Prince’s ear. He’s a

free agent here and follows my orders only when it suits him.’

‘You’ve kept him out of the Aphrodesia House…’

‘Only because I had convinced the prince of the necessity of maintaining the

good will of that House before Tempus arrived,’ Zalbar countered, shaking his

head. ‘I had to go to the prince to curb Tempus’s ill-conduct and earned his

hatred for it. You notice he still does what he pleases at the Lily Garden – and

the prince looks the other way. No, I wouldn’t count on my influence over

Tempus. I don’t think he would physically attack me because of my position in

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