Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

with at least a dozen colleagues. To further that illusion they ate in silence.

Conversation would be neither attempted nor tolerated until both were finished

with their meal. It was the stance of men who trusted each other completely.

Although his position allowed him a clear view of the flower garden, Zalbar

found his thoughts wandering back to his earlier conversation with Razkuli. Part

of his job was to maintain peace among the Hell Hounds, at least to a point

where their personal differences did not interfere with the performance of their

duties. To that end he had soothed his friend’s ruffled feathers and forestalled

any open fighting within the force … for the time being, at least. With peace

thus preserved, Zalbar could admit to himself that he agreed wholeheartedly with


Loudmouthed bullies were nothing new in the army, but Tempus was a breed apart.

As a devout believer in discipline and law, Zalbar was disgusted and appalled by

Tempus’s attitudes and conduct. What was worse, Tempus did have the prince’s

ear, so Zalbar was powerless to move against him despite the growing rumours of

immoral and illegal conduct.

The Hell Hound’s brow furrowed as he reflected upon the things he had heard and

seen. Tempus openly used krrf, both on duty and off. He was rapidly building a

reputation for brutality and sadism among the not easily shocked citizens of

Sanctuary. There were even rumours that he was methodically hunting and killing

the blue-masked sell-swords employed by the exgladiator, Jubal.

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