Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

‘The Vulgar Unicorn?’ Zalbar stammered, genuinely astonished. ‘Where my

assassination was planned. I can’t go in there.’

‘Why not?’

‘Well… if for no other reason than that I am a Hell Hound. It would do neither

of us any good to be seen together publicly, much less in the Vulgar Unicorn.’

‘You could wear my mask and cloak. That would hide your uniform and face. Then,

to any onlooker it would only appear that I was having a drink with one of my


For a moment Zalbar wavered in indecision, then the audacity of a Hell Hound in

a blue hawk-mask seized his fancy and he laughed aloud. ‘Why not?’ he agreed,

reaching for the offered disguise. ‘I’ve always wondered what the inside of that

place looked like.’

Zalbar had not realized how bright the moonlight was until he stepped through

the door of the Vulgar Unicorn. A few small oil lamps were the only illumination

and those were shielded towards the wall, leaving most of the interior in heavy

shadow. Though he could see figures huddled at several tables as he followed

Jubal into the main room, he could not make out any individual’s features.

There was one, however, whose face he did not need to see, the unmistakably

gaunt form of Hakiem the storyteller slouched at a central table. A small bowl

of wine sat before him, apparently forgotten, as the tale-spinner nodded in

near-slumber. Zalbar harboured a secret liking for the ancient character and

would have passed the table quietly, but Jubal caught the Hell Hound’s eye and

winked broadly. Withdrawing a coin from his sword-belt, the slaver tossed it in

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