Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

before extending his tongue in a feeble effort to comply with the demand.

Quickly impatient, Tempus wiped his hand in a bloody smear across Razkuli’s face

and mouth, then he examined his wound again.

As Zalbar watched, horrified, the seepage from the wound slowed from flow to

trickle and finally to a slow ooze – all in the matter of seconds.

Apparently satisfied with the healing process, Tempus turned dark eyes to his

captain. ‘Every dog gets one bite – but the next time your pet crosses me, I’ll

take him down and neither you nor the prince will be able to stop me.’

With that he wrenched Razkuli from the wall and dashed him to the floor at

Zalbar’s feet. With both Hell Hounds held motionless by his brutality, he strode

from the room without a backward glance.

The suddenness and intensity of the exchange had shocked even Zalbar’s

battlefield reflexes into immobility, but with Tempus’s departure, control

flooded back into his limbs as if he had been released from a spell. Kneeling

beside his friend, he hoisted Razkuli into a sitting position to aid his

laboured breathing.

‘Don’t try to talk,’ he ordered, reaching to wipe the blood smear from Razkuli’s

face, but the gasping man jerked his head back and forth, refusing both the

order and the help.

Gathering his legs under him, the short Hell Hound surged to his feet and

retained the upright position, though he had to cling to the wall for support.

For several moments, his head sagged weakly as he drew breath in long ragged

gasps, then he lifted his gaze to meet Zalbar’s.

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