Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

‘I must kill him. I cannot … live in the same world and … breathe the same

air with one who … shamed me so … and still call myself a man.’

For a moment, Razkuli swayed as if speaking had drained him of all energy, then

he carefully lowered himself onto a bench, propping his back against the wall.

‘I must kill him,’ he repeated, his voice steadying. ‘Even if it means fighting


‘You won’t have to fight me, my friend.’ Zalbar sat beside him. ‘Instead accept

me as a partner. Tempus must be stopped, and I fear it will take both of us to

do it. Even then we may not be enough.’

The swarthy Hell Hound nodded in slow agreement. ‘Perhaps if we acquired one of

those hellish weapons that have been causing so much trouble in the Maze?’ he


‘I’d rather bed a viper. From the reports I’ve heard they cause more havoc for

the wielder than for the victim. No, the plan I have in mind is of an entirely

different nature.’

The bright flowers danced gaily in the breeze as Zalbar finished his lunch.

Razkuli was not guarding his back today: that individual was back at the

barracks enjoying a much earned rest after their night’s labours. Though he

shared his friend’s fatigue, Zalbar indulged himself with this last pleasure

before retiring.

‘You sent for me. Hell Hound?’

Zalbar didn’t need to turn his head to identify his visitor. He had been

watching him from the corner of his eyes throughout his dusty approach.

‘Sit down, Jubal,’ he instructed. ‘I thought you’d like to hear about my


‘It’s about time,’ the slaver grumbled, sinking to the ground. ‘It’s been a week

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