Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

the citizens of the town never laugh, or when they do it is forcefully stifled

… like the time Kitty-Cat spilled wine down the front of his tunic while

trying to toast the health of his brother, the emperor.

This is a valid gripe. First of all because no town is totally dismal. Second,

because those readers familiar with my other works are accustomed to finding

some humour buried in the pages – even in a genocidal war between lizards and

bugs. What’s worse, in reviewing the stories in this second volume, I am

painfully aware that the downward spiral of Sanctuary has continued rather than

reversing itself.

As such I have taken it upon myself as editor to provide the reader with a brief

glimpse of the bright side of the town – the benefits and advantages of living

in the worst hellhole in the Empire.

To this end let us turn to a seldom seen, never quoted document issued by the

Sanctuary Chamber of Commerce shortly before it went out of business. The.fact

that Kitty-Cat insisted the brochure contain some modicum of truth doubtless

contributed to the document’s lack of success. Nonetheless, for your enjoyment

and edification, here are selected excerpts from


Every year tourists flock to Sanctuary by the tens, drawn by the rumours of

adventure and excitement which flourish in every dark corner of the Empire. They

are never disappointed that they chose Sanctuary. Our city iseverything it is

rumoured to be – and more! Many visitors never leave and those that do can

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