Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

this amazing town. Don’t bother asking the seller how he got his stock. Just

rest assured that in Sanctuary no one will ask how you came by yours, either.


Social Life – As the ancients say, one does not live by bread alone.

Similarly, a citizen of the Rankan Empire requires an active social life to

balance his business activity. Here is where Sanctuary truly excels. It has

often been said that day to day life in Sanctuary is an adventure without


Religions – For those with an eye for the after-life, the religious offerings in

a given area must withstand close scrutiny. Well, our town welcomes such

scrutinizers with open arms. Every Rankan deity and cult is represented in

Sanctuary, as well many not in open evidence elsewhere in the Empire. Old gods

and forgotten rites exist and flourish alongside the more accepted traditions,

adding to the town’s quaint charm. Nor are our temples reserved for devout true

-believers only. Most shrines welcome visitors of other beliefs and many allow

– nay, require – audience participation in their curious native rituals.

Night Life – Unlike many cities in the Empire which roll up their streets with

the setting sun, Sanctuary comes to life at night. In fact, many of its citizens

exist for the night life to a point where you seldom see them by the light of

day. However conservative or jaded your taste in entertainment might be, you’ll

have the time of your life in the shadows of Sanctuary. Our Street of Red

Lanterns alone offers a wide array of amusements, from the quiet elegance of the

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