Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

matters would be sacrilege as well as foolishness. Why, you know there are

some… I don’t know what word to use, practitioners, who use forceps in a

delivery? Forceps of metal! It’s disgusting. I tell you. Prince Kadakithis

makes a great noise about smugglers and thieves; but if he wanted to clean up

a real evil in Sanctuary, he’d start with the so-called doctors who

don’t have proper connections with established temples.’

‘Well, damn it,’ Regli snapped, ‘you’ve got a “proper connection” to the Temple

of Sabellia in Ranke itself, and you can’t tell me why my wife’s been two days

in labour. And if any of those bitch-midwives who’ve stood shift in there know’

– he gestured towards the closed door – ‘they sure aren’t telling anybody.’

Regli knuckled the fringe of blond whiskers sprouting on his jawbone. His wealth

and breeding had made him a person of some importance even in Ranke. Here in

Sanctuary, where he served as Master of the Scrolls for the royal governor, he

was even less accustomed to being balked. The fact that Fate, in the form of his

wife’s abnormally-prolonged labour, was balking him infuriated Regli to the

point that he needed to lash out at something. ‘I can’t imagine why Samlane

insists on seeing no one but midwives from the Temple of Heqt,’ he continued,

snapping his riding crop at specks on the mosaic walls. ‘That place has no very

good reputation, I’m told. Not at all.’

‘Well, you have to remember that your wife is from Cirdon,’ said Mernorad

reasonably, keeping a wary eye on his patron’s lash. ‘Though they’ve been forty

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