Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

the words themselves stickily. ‘Perhaps, but some people will say anything.

That would be a night for the … suppliant, wouldn’t it?’

Samlor turned and smiled back, baring his teeth like a cat eyeing a throat vein.

‘Quite a night indeed,’ he said. ‘Are there any places known to have entrances

to – that?’ He gestured across the dark street. ‘Or is it just rumour? Perhaps

this inn itself?’

‘There’s a hostel west of here a furlong,’ said the youth. ‘Near the Beef Market

– the Man in Motley. They say there’s a network beneath like worm tunnels, not

really connected to each other. A man could enter one and walk for days without

ever seeing another soul.’

Samlor shrugged. He stood and whistled for attention, then tossed his empty mug

to the tapster behind the bar. ‘Just curiosity,’ he said to his companion. ‘I’ve

never been in Sanctuary before.’ Samlor stepped into the street, over a drain

which held something long dead. When he glanced back, he saw the local man still

seated empty-handed on the bench. In profile against the light, his face had the

perfection of an ancient cameo.

Samlor wore boots and he was long familiar with dark nights and bad footing, so

he did not bother to hire a linkman. When he passed a detachment of the Watch,

the Imperial officer in command stared at the dagger the Cirdonian now carried

bare in his hand. Still, Samlor looked to be no more than he was, a sturdy man

who would rather warn off robbers than kill them, but who was willing and able

to do either. I’ll have to buy another boot knife, Samlor thought; but for the

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