Thieves World 2 – Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn by Asprin, Robert

steadily to the.right down the invisible trench worn by decades of footsteps.

Thirty feet down the corridor the liquid stopped and pooled, slimed with patches

of dust that broke up the reflected lamplight.

Samlor examined with particular care the plaques just beyond the pool of urine.

The seeming music was louder here. He set his knife-point against one of the

hexagons and touched his forehead to the butt-cap. Clearly and triumphantly

rolled the notes of a hydraulic organ, played somewhere in the complex of

tunnels. Samlor sheathed the knife again and sighted along the stones

themselves, holding the light above his head. The polished surface of one waist

high plaque had been dulled ‘by sweat and wear. Samlor pressed it and the next

hexagon over hinged out of the wall.

The plaque which had lifted was only a hand’s breadth thick, but what the lamp

showed beyond it was a tunnel rather than a room: the remainder of the wall was

of natural basalt columns, twenty feet long and lying on their sides. To go

further, Samlor would have to crawl along a hole barely wide enough to pass his

shoulders; and the other end was capped as well.

Samlor had spent his working life under an open sky. He had thus far borne the

realization of the tons of rock above his head only by resolutely not thinking

about it. This rat-hole left him no choice … but he would go through it

anyway. A man had to be able to control his mind, or he wasn’t a man …

The Cirdonian set the lamp on the floor. It would gutter out in a few minutes

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