Thieves World 3 – Shadows of Sanctuary by Asprin, Robert

blend with the townsfolk.

He found the citizens remarkably pleasant once he had removed the mark of the

fishing community. They were most helpful in teaching him what to do with his

money. He acquired a circle of friends and spent more and more time away from

home until…

‘Your mother tells me you’re leaving.’

The Old Man’s sudden statement startled Hort, jerking him rudely from his mental

wanderings. In a flash he realized he had been caught in the trap his friends

had warned him about. Alone in the boat with his father he would be a captive

audience until tile tide changed. Now he’d hear the anger, the accusations and

finally the pleading.

Above all Hort dreaded the pleading. While they had had their differences in the

past, he still held a lingering respect for his father, a respect he knew would

die if the Old Man were reduced to whining and begging.

‘You’ve said it yourself a hundred times. Old Man,’ Hort pointed out with a

shrug, ‘not everyone was meant to be a fisherman.’

It came out harsher than he had intended, but Hort let it go without more

explanations. Perhaps his father’s anger would be stirred to a point where the

conversation would be terminated prior to the litanies of his obligations to his

family and tradition.

‘Do you think you can earn a living in Sanctuary?’ the Old Man asked, ignoring

his son’s baiting.

‘We … I won’t be in Sanctuary,’ Hort announced carefully. Even his mother

hadn’t possessed this last bit of knowledge. “There’s a caravan forming in town.

In four days it leaves for the capital. My friends and I have been invited to

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