Thieves World 3 – Shadows of Sanctuary by Asprin, Robert

finally, chose the wrong turning and hurried off. Wess grinned, but she felt

respect for any hunter who could follow her this far.

Moving silently through shadows, she started back towards the tavern. When she

came to a tumbledown building she remembered, she found finger- and toe-holds

and climbed to the roof of the next house. Flying was not the only talent Aerie

had that Wess envied. Being able to climb straight up an undamaged adobe wall

would be useful sometimes, too.

The rooftop was deserted. Too cold to sleep outside, no doubt; the inhabitants

of the city went to ground at night, in warmer, unseen warrens.

The air smelled cleaner here, so she travelled by rooftop as far as she could.

But the main passage through the Maze was too wide to leap across. From the

building that faced the Unicorn, Wess observed the tavern. She doubted that her

pursuer could have reached it first, but the possibility existed, in this

strange place. She saw no one. It was near dawn. She no longer felt exhausted,

just deliciously sleepy. She climbed down the face of the building and started

across the street.

Someone flung open the door behind her, leaped out as she turned, and punched

her in the side of the head.

Wess crashed to the cobblestones. The shadow stepped closer and kicked her in

the ribs. A line of pain wrapped around her chest and tightened when she tried

to breathe.

‘Don’t kill her. Not yet.’

‘No. I have plans for her.’

Wess recognized the voice ofBauchle Meyne, who had insulted Quartz in the

tavern. He toed her in the side.

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