Thieves World 3 – Shadows of Sanctuary by Asprin, Robert

Unicorn. An odd combination, even in the south where odd combinations were the

style of naming taverns. She pushed open the door. It was nearly as dark inside

as out, and smoky. The noise died as Wess and Chan entered – then rose again in

a surprised buzz when Aerie and Quartz followed.

Wess and Chan were not startlingly different from the general run of southern

mountain folk: he fairer, she darker. Wess could pass unnoticed as an ordinary

citizen anywhere; Chan’s beauty often attracted attention. But Aerie’s tall

white-skinned black-haired elegance everywhere aroused comment. Wess smiled,

imagining what would happen if Aerie flung away her cloak and showed herself as

she really was.

And Quartz: she had to stoop to come inside. She straightened up. She was taller

than anyone else in the room. The smoke near the ceiling swirled a wreath around

her hair. She had cut it short for the journey, and it curled around her face,

red, gold, and sand-pale. Her grey eyes reflected the firelight like mirrors.

Ignoring the stares, she pushed her blue wool cloak from her broad shoulders and

shrugged her pack to the floor.

The strong heavy scent of beer and sizzling meat made Wess’s mouth water. She

sought out the man behind the bar.

‘Citizen,’ she said, carefully pronouncing the Sanctuary language, the trade

tongue of all the continent, ‘are you the proprietor? My friends and I, we need

a room for the night, and dinner.’

Her request seemed ordinary enough to her, but the innkeeper looked sidelong at

one of his patrons. Both laughed.

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