Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

in the upper windows of the Palace, but he saw no glare of fire-perhaps they had

put it out in time. The cart in which he was sitting was parked just outside the

Zoo Gardens, a few feet from the Processional Gate.

Sighing with relief, Lalo clambered over the side and began to strip off his

smock and brush away the worst of the filth that coated him-

-And stopped, feeling a gaze that was not the dispassionate stare of the mangy

lions beyond the barrier. He turned then, and looked across the square to the

Palace Gate from which a familiar grey-robed figure had just emerged. For a

moment fear froze him again, but he was still glowing with the inebriation of

power. He let his smock fall to the ground.

Zanderei’s robe was of rich silk, while his own worn shirt and stained breeches

would attract no attention. If he could entice the Rankan into the town, Lalo

would be on his own ground, and the City itself might rid him and the Prince of

their enemy.

Grinning nervously, Lalo walked into plain view, and then urged his stiff limbs

into an awkward dash through the Gate as Zanderei and half a dozen Hell-Hounds

leaped into motion across the Square after him.

Looking back over his shoulder at every other step, Lalo pressed his cramped

limbs to greater speed along the Processional Way. Hearing the guards close

behind him, he dodged among the merchants’ houses to Westgate Street and down

Tanner’s Row, heading for the Serpentine. And as he ran, the blood began to

course freely through his limbs once more, and he shed middle-age and

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