Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

“Worthy of what?” Thrusher replied, not following Walegrin’s thoughts at all.


Dawn’s first light pierced the shadows and sent the denizens of the night

scurrying. The streets of Sanctuary were almost quiet. Flocks of seabirds

wheeled silently over the town, swooping suddenly as, one after another, the

houses opened their doors to jettison nightslops into the street. A cowled,

burdened monk slipped out the upper window of a tavern and disappeared down a

still-dark alley. The brief moment of calm magic faded; the day had begun.

The establishment ofBalustrus, metal-master, was among the first in the

armorer’s quarter to come to life. A young woman opened the upper half of the

front door and struggled to raise the huge, dingy slops-ewer to her shoulder.

She froze, nearly dropping the noisome thing, when a man stepped out of the

shadows. He wore a monk’s garb, but the cowl had fallen back to his shoulders. A

warrior’s tore held his straw-blond hair over his brow.

Walegrin had had three days’ rest and washed the desert from his face, but he

was still an ominous figure. The woman gave a small yelp when he took the ewer

from her and carried it some distance before upending it. When he returned to

the doorway, the metal-master himself stood there.

“Walegrin, isn’t it?”

If the young soldier was ominous, then Balus-trus was positively demonic. His

skin was the color of mottled bronze-not brown, nor gold, nor green-nor human at

all. It was wrinkled like dried fruit, but shone like metal itself. He was

hairless, with features that blended into the convolutions of his skin. When he

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