Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

bereft of the glory of death in the field. All of them feared accident, mindless

fortune’s disfavor: they lived by luck, as much as by the god’s favor. As the

dozen men, more or less in a body, headed toward the altar and the brake beyond,

Temp us felt the god rustling inside him, and took time to upbraid Va-shanka for

wasting an adherent. They were not on the best of terms, the man and his god.

His temper was hard-held these days, and the gloom of winter quartering was

making him fey-not to mention reports of the Mygdonians’ foul depredations to

the far north, the quelling of which he was not free to join….

First, he noticed that two people sauntering casually down the altar’s hillock

toward him were not familiar; and then, that none of his Stepsons were moving:

each was stock-still. A cold overswept him, like a wind-driven wave, and rolled

on toward the barracks. Above, the pale sky clouded over; a silky dusk swallowed

the day. Black clouds gathered; over Vashanka’s altar two luminous, red moons

appeared high up in the inky air, as if some huge night-cat lurked on a lofty

perch. Watching the pair approaching (through unmoving men who did not even know

they stood now in darkness), swathed in a pale nimbus which illuminated their

path as the witchcold had heralded their coming, Temp us muttered under his

breath. His hand went to his hip, where no weapon lay, but only a knotted cord.

Studying the strangers without looking at them straight-on, leaning back, his

arms outstretched along the fencetop, he waited.

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