Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

“Whom do you think to impress, Riddler? The boy? Your potential, and

dangerous proclivities, speak for themselves. I will grant no further


Riding with the dream lord into Sanctuary in broad daylight was a relief after

the tension of his commander’s dining table. Being dismissed by Askelon before

the high-walled Mageguild on the Street of Arcana was a reprieve he had not

dared to hope for, though the entelechy of the seventh sphere decreed that

Nikodemos must return to the outer gates at sundown. He watched his best horse

disappear down that vine-hung way without even a twinge of regret. If he never

saw that particular horse and its rider again, it would be too soon.

And he had his orders, which, when he had received them, he had despaired of

successfully carrying out. When Askelon had been absorbed in making his

farewells to the woman whose fighting stature and muscle tone were so

extraordinary, Tempus had bade Niko warn certain parties to spread the word that

a curfew must be kept, and some others not to attend the Mage-guild’s fete this

evening, and lastly find a way to go alone to the Vulgar Unicorn, tavern of

consummate ill repute in this scabrous town, and perform a detailed series of

actions there.

Niko had never been to the Vulgar Unicorn, though he had been by it many times

during his tours in the Maze. The east-side taverns like the Alekeep at the

juncture of Promise Park and Governor’s Walk, and the Golden Oasis, outside the

Maze, were more to his liking, and he stopped at both to fortify himself for a

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