Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

sortie into Ilsig filth and Ilsig poverty. At the Alekeep, he managed to warn

the father of a girl he knew to keep his family home this evening lest the

killing mist diminish his house should it come again; at the Oasis, he found a

Hell-Hound and the Ilsig captain Walegrin gaming intently over a white-bladed

knife (a fine prize if it were the “hard steel” the blond-braided captain

claimed it was, a metal only fabled to exist), and so had gotten his message off

to both the palace and the garrison in good order.

Yet, in the Maze, it seemed that his luck deserted him as precipitately as his

sense of direction had fled. It should be easy to find the Serpentine-just head

south by southwest … unless the entelechy Askelon had hexed him! He rode

tight in his saddle under a soapy, scum-covered sky gone noncommittal, its sun

nowhere to be seen, doubling back from Wide-way and the gutted wharfside

warehouses where serendipity had taken his partner’s life as suddenly as their

charred remains loomed before him out of a pearly fog so thick he could barely

see his horse’s ears twitch. Rolling in off the water, it was rank and fetid and

his fingers slipped on his weeping reins. The chill it brought was numbing, and

lest it penetrate to his very soul, he fled into a light meditation, clearing

his mind and letting his body roll with his mount’s gait while its hoofbeats and

his own breathing grew loud and that mixed cadence lulled him.

In his expanded awareness, he could sense the folk behind their doors, just

wisps of passion and subterfuge leaking out beyond the featureless mudbrick

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